THE HEAD SCRATCHER - The Head Scratcher's 20 Favourite Alkaline Trio Songs

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The Head Scratcher's 20 Favourite Alkaline Trio Songs

The Head Scratcher's 20 Favourite Alkaline Trio Songs

To celebrate the release of Is This Thing Cursed?Alkaline Trio’s first new studio album in 5 years I’ve decided to select 20 of my favourite tracks. The playlist is here. Let’s get right into it.

20. Bloodied Up - From Here to Infirmary

Bloodied Up is an excellent introduction to Alkaline Trio displaying all the elements that make them great: fast paced punk rock guitar riffs, driving bass lines and fantastically hooky, endlessly singable vocals.

19. My Standard Break From Life - Remains

A song demonstrating that the above formula works just as brilliantly slowed down to about two thirds the speed. It’s also a great example of Dan Andriano taking over from Matt Skiba on lead vocals and doing a great job. His voice is well suited to the more pondering pace My Standard Break From Life takes.  

18. Warbrain - Remains

Warbrain opens with some static voices over the radio then bursts to life with a lead guitar line that just makes you want to jump around like an idiot. When the vocals and guitar riffs come in just try not to nod your head. Can’t do it can you?

17. Steamer Trunk - From Here to Infirmary

It’s all about the vocals with Steamer Trunk with that “why I turned out the way I did, someone, somewhere, dropped me on my cranium” verse and the “I’m trying to figure out what you’re all about these days” chorus. You’ll be humming those lines for days. 

16. Rooftops - Remains

Rooftops happily chugs along with a simple but brilliant rolling bass line until it gets to Skiba screaming that massive “Hey world are you listening? Listen to me!” chorus. On a solo drive you’ll be belting this one out at the top of your voice.

15. I’m Dying Tomorrow - From Here to Infirmary

Another song where Andriano takes over on vocals. Essentially the singer is dying tomorrow and pondering whether he’s lived a fulfilling life. Despite the dark subject matter this is a really uplifting song and reminds us to make the most of life while we can.

14. I Was a Prayer - Crimson

Crimson is an absolute 10/10 smash of a record. For me it’s the most consistent album the band have released and a number of songs feature on this list. I Was a Prayer opens with an earworm lead guitar line but then lets the vocal hooks do the talking throughout the verse with just some light bass and drums as a backing track. The riffs kick in for the chorus and repeat. An absolute joy to listen to.

13. Hell Yes - Remains

The melody of the main guitar riff on this track really is something and you’ll be bouncing away to it in no time. Towards the end of the song there’s a build up to a crescendo with “you’ve been whispering sweet nothings”, a real standout moment. Hell yes!

12. Stupid Kid - From Here to Infirmary

Stupid Kid is a song that will be on punk rock DJ playlists until the end of time. This is the first Alkaline Trio song I ever heard so has a special place in my heart but it’s not just nostalgia at play, it’s genuinely brilliant. It has unforgettable riffs throughout, oh so satisfying drums, vocals that are just the right side of gravelly and cheeky little bass fills that you might not have noticed before but your brain did. The video isn’t half bad either.

11. The American Scream - This Addiction / Damnesia

The only song from This Addiction to feature and it’s classic Alkaline Trio. Unfortunately for This Addiction I actually much prefer the stripped back piano driven version on Damnesia. It’s dark, moody and hard hitting and absolutely takes off towards the end.

10. Mercy Me - Crimson / Damnesia

Another great song from Crimson featuring an insanely catchy guitar melody on the intro, impossibly brilliant vocal hooks (the sound of Skiba and Andriano’s voices intertwined is utterly addictive) and well what more do you need? If you don’t instantly love this song then there’s something wrong with you. The more acoustic version on Damnesia is also fantastic.

9. Private Eye - From Here to Infirmary / Damnesia

Another stone cold classic with an unforgettable chainsaw lead riff and even more unforgettable lyrics like “I watched flies fuck on channel eleven” that Matt Skiba spits with the venom that only Matt Skiba can. The original is perfect but the slowed down, brooding acoustic version on Damnesia is a pretty incredible re-imagining. 

8. Blue Carolina - Good Mourning

There is so much to love about this song. The lyrics, the vocal melodies, the drums, the palm muted riff that’s only present for a few seconds at the end of the chorus; all combing to form an essential listening experience.

7. Blue in the Face - Good Mourning / Damnesia

Alkaline Trio don’t do too many acoustic songs on their albums but when they do go the acoustic route, those songs are something special indeed. Blue in the Face is a pretty brutal and emotional break up song, the whole experience enhanced by Skiba’s cracked vocals. Heartbreak never sounded so beautiful.

6. Time to Waste - Crimson

What an album opener. Lonely piano keys followed by a bass line that sounds like the rumbling of a car engine and then it all explodes with a furious attack of guitars. The verse brings back that rumbling bass with savage bursts of guitar before launching into a huge singalong chorus. What a song. What an album.

5. Sorry About That - Goddamnit

Another original acoustic song, Sorry About That is a lamenting ballad that is utterly heartbreaking but astoundingly beautiful. It’s simple, has great lyrics and is just downright brilliant.

4. We’ve Had Enough - Good Mourning / Damnesia

We’ve Had Enough comes bursting out of the gates and never lets up. The intro features gothic church bells and rolling drums then explodes with bouncy overdriven rhythm guitars, dark lyrics and one of the best choruses in any Alkaline Trio song ever. Again, the Damnesia version is impeccable.

3. Radio - Maybe I’ll Catch Fire / Damnesia

“Shaking like a dog shitting razor blades” the first line from Radio sums up the dark humour present throughout the song. The tempo is slow and the guitars and drums restrained until the “I’ve got a big fat fucking bone to pick with you my darling” chorus kicks in. As the song progresses the vocals become more and more strained further reinforcing that feeling of bitter, vengeful hate. Once again the version on Damnesia is wonderful. It really is a great album.

2. This Could Be Love - Good Mourning / Damnesia

A song with some seriously dark lyrics and sense of humour. The chorus describes four murderous steps that the protagonist suggests should be carried out to dispose of him. It’s sung in such an incredibly catchy and addictive way that singing about murder and shitting the bed has never been so much fun.  

1. Back to Hell - Crimson

If there’s one song that epitomises everything that is great about Alkaline Trio then it’s Back to Hell. The intro explodes with furious chainsaw guitars and crashing drums then the verse continues at pace with a simple drumbeat, intermittent riffs and classic hooky vocals. It has possibly the most sing along chorus they’ve ever written with both singers exchanging lines to perfection.

So, that’s my list and to be honest it was extremely difficult to whittle down a list that initially started with 40 tracks (including practically everything from Crimson). I’m sure if I sat down to write down this list on another day it could have ended up very different. There’s a distinct lack of songs post Crimson and that’s because, for me, there was a big dip in quality, especially after Agony & Irony. However, Is This Thing Cursed? is a little bit of a return to form and an on form Alkaline Trio is an exciting prospect indeed.

What are your favourite tracks on the list? Did I miss out any of your favourites? What tracks from the later albums should I be giving a second chance? Let me know in the comments below.


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