THE HEAD SCRATCHER - Episode 09: “All Bases Covered” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast

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Episode 09: “All Bases Covered” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast

Episode 09: “All Bases Covered” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast

The Scratch Cast Podcast - Episode 09

“All Bases Covered”

5th July 2020

Episode 08 was a bit of a disaster but for Episode 09 of The Scratch Cast we had all bases covered and we’ve managed to capture audio and video seamlessly, well as seamlessly as Skype will allow…

On this exciting episode, we discuss the singles “Sand” by Belgian shoegaze punks Brutus and “Martin” by indie outfit Carseat Headrest and we put forward our single swaps for the next episode: “Oceans” by Australian alt. rocker Peter Bibby (a name that Snedds can’t say without laughing) and “Broadcaster” by the hype machine’s next big thing: Squid.

We also review the eponymous debut album from Empty Country, “Couldn’t Give A Rats”, the debut album from Dublin’s The Scratch, “Ronin”, the latest offering from Californian hardcore punks Rotting Out, and a unique compilation project in the form of “Sounds Like Van Spirit: A Collection of Europe’s Pavement Melodies”.

Check out the episode below or via any of the links at the bottom of the page. Sit back and enjoy “The Alternative Pop Culture Podcast”.

Episode 09: “All Bases Covered” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast
The Head Scratcher

If you’re wondering what our review scores relate to, check out our rating system below:

1/10 - Destroy without listening

2/10 - Rancid bin juice (bathe afterwards)

3/10 - Hot garbage (avoid)

4/10 - Meh (not worth going back to)

5/10 - Forgettable (one or two good songs)

6/10 - Just OK (for fans of the genre)

7/10 - Good (quite like it)

8/10 - Very good (must listen)

9/10 - Exceptional (absolutely love it)

10/10 - Practically flawless (unmissable)


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