THE HEAD SCRATCHER - Episode 16: “A Mixed Bag of Squits” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast

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Episode 16: “A Mixed Bag of Squits” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast

Episode 16: “A Mixed Bag of Squits” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast

The Scratch Cast - The Alternative Music Podcast - Episode 16

“A Mixed Bag of Squits”

2nd June 2021

It's been a while since our last episode but Episode 16 of The Scratch Cast is finally here and with a slight re-brand. We’re now “The Alternative Music Podcast” which means we talk about nothing but music… a rule Snedds casually breaks before the episode is out.

In this episode, Grant treats himself to a whisky, Snedds makes yet another Jamie Lenman reference and talks about cardboard mazes and both discuss the finer points of drinking too much cordial… oh and of course we review some new music…

On our singles swap this month we subject ourselves to the experimental hardcore of “The Armed” and the apocalyptic acoustic folk of “Elliot Pullen”. In the next episode, we’ll be discussing “Omega Water” by “Lonewolves in Paradise” and “Unsmart Lady” by “Dry Cleaning”.

On “submission corner” we cover two releases from Ripcord Records: “Kintsukuroi” from Chilean metal band “La Bestia De Gevaudan” and the “Anatomy EP” from Aberdeen’s own “Seas, Starry”. If you’ve got something you want us to hear then make sure you hit us up via the contact page, on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or via email at

And, as if that wasn’t enough, we also review music written by artificial intelligence with “Lost Tapes of The 27 Club”, the massive collaborative ska-punk extravaganza “The First One” from “Andy B & The World”, “Cover to Cover” the all-Scottish-all-female cover album curated by Edinburgh-based musician Fiona Liddell and “Haram” the latest, bewilderingly complex art-rap release from “Armand Hammer & The Alchemist”.

Check out the episode below or via any of the links at the bottom of the page. Sit back, relax and listen to “A Mixed Bag of Squits”.

If you want to support the show, you can buy us a coffee here.

Thanks to @sculpt.rebecca & @ellietype for the cover art found in Leith, Scotland.

Episode 16: “A Mixed Bag of Squits” - The Scratch Cast: The Alternative Music Podcast
The Head Scratcher

If you’re wondering what our review scores relate to, check out our rating system below:

1/10 - Destroy without listening

2/10 - Rancid bin juice (bathe afterwards)

3/10 - Hot garbage (avoid)

4/10 - Meh (not worth going back to)

5/10 - Forgettable (one or two good songs)

6/10 - Just OK (for fans of the genre)

7/10 - Good (quite like it)

8/10 - Very good (must listen)

9/10 - Exceptional (absolutely love it)

10/10 - Practically flawless (unmissable)


Don’t forget to subscribe to The Scratch Cast on your favourite streaming/podcast service so you never miss an episode. Please leave a nice review :)


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All music clips are used as a teaser only and remain the property of the respective artists.


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