Overall Eternity, In Your Arms is an excellent album, It's by no means perfect and there are a few songs I'm not hugely into but there are enough good songs and good ideas littered throughout that keep me coming back for more.
Overall Eternity, In Your Arms is an excellent album, It's by no means perfect and there are a few songs I'm not hugely into but there are enough good songs and good ideas littered throughout that keep me coming back for more.
I took a trip down to CeX to try and get rid of some of my DVD's and then hit up a local record store, Vinyl Villains and ran through my haul.
Is Terminator 2 really one of the greatest action movies ever put to film and one of the best sequels ever made? No, it sucks! Why?
I recently took part in the November Vinyl Challenge where I posted picks from my collection, to Instagram and Facebook, to suit a specific category each day in November. What follows is each of those posts compiled into one long list for your convenience and delight.
There is a huge amount of content on Netflix these days, some great, some not so great and some that's so downright atrocious it should be deleted from the history of time so that future generations needn't suffer the same pain we had to.
Sometimes you hear something and it just clicks. Greta Van Fleet are one of those bands and the quality and consistency of the music on offer here is undeniable.
Next Friday, the 24th November, is Black Friday and that can only mean one thing. "People smashing each other's faces in over not-quite-so-generously-discounted-as-you-think televisions?" I hear you say. Well ok, two things then.
Overall this is a very well put together album and an engrossing listen from start to finish. It does open slowly and takes a while to get into but after a couple of listens I found myself drawn in by the layered soundscapes and I found that the hardcore moments really pay off when they arrive.
Jurassic Park is one of my favourite movies of all time but is it really a masterclass in blockbuster filmmaking? No, IT SUCKS and here's why.
The songs are full of soaring, hearfelt vocals, tight harmonies, clever hooks and intricate fills with truly excellent production throughout.
I've just had the pleasure of being involved in the Devolver listening party the latest in a genius suite of preorder bonuses from Jamie Lenman and Big Scary Monsters. Here's some of my thoughts on each track.
Yesterday, 14th October 2017, was the 4th annual International Cassette Store Day. Think of it as Record Store Day's plucky younger brother. To celebrate I thought I'd share some of the cassettes I've picked up over the last couple of years.
So I thought I'd do a short list with 5 of the podcasts I listen to regularly.
Brand New's music never truly reveals itself on first listen. The songs are deeply layered and over time the intricacies, nuances and oddities become more apparent and lyrics take on new meaning as circumstances and experiences change.
So the blog page is up and running but admittedly it needs some work to get it looking right. I'll be posting content here from time to time so watch this space.
Surprising first post title but it got your attention, right?